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Shafarevich Solutions Chapter 1 Exercise 3

Apologies for the language, but I wanted to grab as many eyeballs for this.

After hearing comment after comment about how Sharfarevich could be a conservative if he toned down the racism, or how he fits as an authdem... Holy fucking shit, I genuinely thought I'd to actually search for this when I played him. All I can guess is that his path looks boring so few play it, and a few spread misinfo, and it spreads out from there (same way a lot of pleblore gets spread around).

Ok, so, I'm jumping straight into my argument. Igor Shafarevich is a fascist. No ifs ands or buts about it. He does not land there "merely" because of his racism. But while we're on that topic, let's talk about his racism. His racism is not the kind practiced by Wallace and Thurmond, his racism is very fascist in nature, it even has the conspiracy theories and anti-semitism for it!

r/TNOmod - "Shafarevich is more frightening than Taboritsky," or "Igor Shafarevich is a fascist, you fucking morons"

We have the belief in a shadowy cabal of minorities controlling Russia behind the scenes

r/TNOmod - "Shafarevich is more frightening than Taboritsky," or "Igor Shafarevich is a fascist, you fucking morons"

We have the belief that the majority are in fact, the oppressed people, with laws put in place to stop 'anti-russian' bigotry.

r/TNOmod - "Shafarevich is more frightening than Taboritsky," or "Igor Shafarevich is a fascist, you fucking morons"

And these three events, the District if you're curious is from the first Komi election that the Center wins

But for the most part, I don't think many will argue against it, after all many saying he could be conservative if he stopped being so racist. But I hope I can illustrate with this that as bad as the founder of the Komi Republic was, it is nothing like Shafarevich's racism against jews "Small Nations." Hell, at least Serov was being faced with the fourth wall.

Now we move onto his rejection of modernity. Ernst Nolte, who wrote Fascism in Its Epoch, or The Three Faces of Fascism, spoke on Fascism as a rejection against modernity. He lionizes the past that never existed, raging against modernity.

r/TNOmod - "Shafarevich is more frightening than Taboritsky," or "Igor Shafarevich is a fascist, you fucking morons"

Literally just rejecting progress, I'm sorry, "False progress."

r/TNOmod - "Shafarevich is more frightening than Taboritsky," or "Igor Shafarevich is a fascist, you fucking morons"

This is what comes after "guard nature" btw, all to return to some pastoral village life in a field of wheat with your blond-whoops, Russian wife

Let's keep going. Totalitarianism? You have that too! It's right in the nationwide participation focus!

r/TNOmod - "Shafarevich is more frightening than Taboritsky," or "Igor Shafarevich is a fascist, you fucking morons"

The party involved in every aspect of the civilian's life. It's totalitarianism hidden behind euphemism

r/TNOmod - "Shafarevich is more frightening than Taboritsky," or "Igor Shafarevich is a fascist, you fucking morons"

Also he stuffs ballots but I'm sure y'all heard of that one. Now look at the left focus again.

"Morality shall be politics, and politics shall be morality." All politics are informed by morality, what's this about? It goes back to the totalitarian nature of fascism. The Party is dictating all here, all in life, all in politics, with nothing outside it.

Let's not forget this little brand of two-faced words.

r/TNOmod - "Shafarevich is more frightening than Taboritsky," or "Igor Shafarevich is a fascist, you fucking morons"

Like all modern fascists, he is two faced. If you get the drop he might tell the truth, but he knows his values are indefensible, and so pretends not to hold them, all while enforcing them across the nation. "A Brief Interview" takes place after unification of west, and "Damage Control" during the election.

He is clearly a fascist when one pays any particular attention to him and his policies, his values. He is no mere conservative a la Thurmond, but a fascist using "Compassionate Conservatism" as a cloak. There is no moderating his policies. It is simply the difference between his fascism in full and his fascism stopped. But Komi in the early days, certainly after the unification of west Russia is not strong enough to hold him back. So his whole agenda is put forward.

He is genuinely more disquieting and unsettling to me than Yazov, or Taboritsky. These two are absolutely awful, but they aren't 'real.' Shafarevich is real. His story is crushingly real, it is the modern form of fascism taking shape. Speer can claim at being the Deng, but Shafarevich is the one most relevant to our modern day. Speer is a nazi, no one will willingly call themselves a nazi. But Shafarevich? He knows better. You don't call it fascism, especially not in a republic, certainly not in West Russia, they've been bombed for decades by fascists, you call yourself that they'll flay you alive. No. You call yourself something else, anything else. For Shafarevich, it is "Compassionate Conservatism."

It certainly doesn't help when I keep reading comments on here about how Shafarevich could fit into despotism or conservatism. No. He's fine where he is. He's not just fine. He's perfect. The modern fascist, right there inside Komi. if the images do not show up for you.

Shafarevich Solutions Chapter 1 Exercise 3
