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Funny Sermon Illustrations Peace With Our Enemies

What friend


In 1842, an Irishman named Joseph Scriven graduated from Trinity College, Dublin, and promptly fell head over heels in love with a girl from his hometown. They got engaged and, with great excitement, planned their wedding and began dreaming about their future together as husband and wife.

The eve of their wedding arrived at last, and Joseph's fiancée saddled a horse to go and see him. Tragically, it was one of the last things she would ever do. A little later,
Joseph saw his bride-to—be riding towards him, and he grinned. But suddenly, just as she was crossing the bridge over the river, her horse bucked and threw her like a rag doll down into the river below. In blind panic, Joseph ran to the river, calling out her name. He plunged into the icy waters, but it was too late. His bride was already dead.

Heartbroken, Joseph emigrated to Canada, where eventually he fell in love again. In 1854, Joseph was due to marry Eliza Roche, but she fell ill and grew progressively worse. The wedding was repeatedly postponed until, three years later, Eliza died. Joseph Scriven would never again give his heart to another.

Back home in Ireland, Joseph's mother was deeply concerned for her heartbroken son, and he in turn was concerned for her. One night, Joseph penned a poem to comfort her, little knowing that it would become one of the best-loved songs of all time. Several years later, a friend found it in a drawer at Joseph's house and was deeply moved. 'The Lord and I wrote it together,' Joseph explained. That poem, forged out of so much disappointment and pain, continues to call millions of people in their own Gethsemenes to admit their grief, their trials and temptations, their sorrows and their every weakness to Jesus in the privilege of prayer:

What a friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we Often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear, '
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer.

have we trials and temptation?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged:
Take it to the Lord in prayer!
can we find a friend so faithful,
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness
Take it to the Lord in prayer

Pete Greig

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Blessed are the single-hearted, for they shall enjoy much peace. If you refuse to be hurried and pressed, if you stay your soul on God, nothing can keep you from that clearness of spirit which is life and peace. In that stillness you will know what His will is.

Amy Carmichael

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Counterfeit love, joy and peace


I remember one day, and so this is Sydney, Australia 1986-1987, and so it was the height of rave parties in Australia. So, the drug ecstasy was running rampant, and in the university scene, people were doing ecstasy and people going to rave parties. I hadn't seen my friend for about three days. I was wondering, "What's going on?"

Then one day I was doing my homework up there at the home building at Sydney Uni, and my friend comes running in, and she goes, "Chris, Chris, I couldn't wait to see you." She goes, "You would not believe I've just been at this most amazing rave party, and it was the most incredible experience of my life. There was so much love there. There was so much joy. There was so much peace. We didn't sleep for three days."

She put her hand in her pocket, pulls out half an ecstasy tablet, and she said, "Chris, it was the most unbelievable experience, and I didn't want you to miss this experience, and so I saved you half of this ecstasy tablet because I wanted you to step into this experience."

I remember that moment, tears started streaming down my face and internally in my heart I made a vow, and in my heart it was like I said to the Lord, "She is more passionate about the love, joy, and peace that this synthetic drug can bring to her than I am about my faith that theoretically is supposed to bring love, and joy, and peace, and kindness, and goodness, all of the fruit of the spirit." I thought, "That is not the fruit of the drug of ecstasy. It's supposed to be the fruit of the spirit of God," and that started me.

Christine Caine

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Love, joy, peace


Love, joy, and peace are the triumvirate at the heart of Jesus's kingdom vision.

John Mark Comer - American Pastor (1980 - )

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From the book "The ruthless elimination of hurry"

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Peace in the storm


Bill Johnson says "You only have power over the storm that you have peace in." This statement references the story of Jesus sleeping in the boat during a storm. He wakes up and calms the wind by saying, "Peace, be still." (Luke 8:23-24). The Lord spoke to me and told me that I was going to "learn the power of peace." I remembered Paul's words to the Philippians: "You are in no way alarmed by your opponents— which is a sign of destruction for them, but of salvation for you, and that too, from God" (Phil. 1:28). There is just something about courage that causes the enemy to know that he is already defeated, because courage is immune to his primary weapon, which is fear. Courage is peace in the storm, the inability to be alarmed by the enemy. When we can sleep in the storm, be calm in the face of battle and not panic in the midst of opposition, we have broken the back of the devil!
The night after this word from the Lord about the power of peace, the demon returned. My heart raced, my head was spinning and I wanted to run or scream. Jesus had already given me a strategy for victory. I looked up from my covers and there it stood. It's huge eyes were glowing red as it stared at me. I looked at it and said, "Oh it's just you!" Then I rolled over and went back to sleep. That was the end of my visitations. From then on I stopped being afraid and started looking forward to the battle. When the demonized people called, I would pick up the phone and share God's love and mercy with them. They didn't know what to do with me after that. They would just hang up. It wasn't long before all the weirdness ceased. Courage manifested through peace is a powerful weapon of warfare. After all, the God of peace is crushing satan under our feet (see Rom. 16:20)!

Kris Vallotton

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From the book "The Supernatural Ways Of Royalty"

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And then, when they get


And then, when they get their presents, it really get interesting! I heard about a young boy who received a harmonica for Christmas from his uncle. After the first of the year he saw his uncle for the first time since receiving the harmonica. With a large smile he said, "Thanks for the harmonica you gave me for Christmas," "It's the best present I ever got."

"That's great," replied his uncle. "Do you know how to play it?"

"Oh, I don't play it," the little fellow replied. "My mom gives me a dollar a day not to play it during the day and my dad gives me five dollars a week not to play it at night!"

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The state of ourminds often


The state of ourminds often causes the greatest trouble. The Psalmist asked himself: "Why are you so downcast O my sould? And why are you so disquieted within me?" (Psalm 42:5,11) The centering of your thoughts by faith on the glory of Christ will bring peace and quiet to the disturbed and disordered mind.

John Owen

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From the book "The Glory of Christ: His Office and Grace (John Owen Series)"

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