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Easy How to Draw Clones From Star Wars

How To Draw Darth Vader

How To      Draw Darth Vader

Hello and welcome to DragoArt.Com. Today's extraordinary drawing lesson will be on the legendary sci-fi character "Darth Vader". Everyone has heard of the Star Wars Trilogy right? The ones that were made back then in the 70s? I enjoy those movies they give me an action packed warm feeling inside….

Drawing a Tauntaun

Drawing        a Tauntaun

Ever wanted to draw Star Wars characters and vehicles just like the professional comic book artists? In this step-by-step series, Star Wars artists and illustrators show you how to draw some of the most beloved characters in the saga.
Creator of the comic Mouse Guard, artist David Petersen explains with these easy-to-follow steps how to draw a tauntaun.

How to Draw Luke Skywalker

How        to Draw Luke Skywalker

This is the last Star Wars character that I will be submitting today. After I'm done with this tutorial, I only have two more to go, and yes they are also awesome. Let's see, first I submitted Princess Leia, and then the Death Star. You will all now be learning "how to draw Luke Skywalker, step by step".

How To Draw R2-D2 from Star Wars

How To Draw        R2-D2 from Star Wars

R2-D2 is the little android that is part of the Star Wars saga. He is usually accompanied by his android pal C-3PO whose character is more careful, and sensible, while R2's character is an adventurous risk taker……

Drawing Count Solo

Drawing Count Solo

Ever wanted to draw Star Wars characters and vehicles just like the professional comic book artists? In this step-by-step series, Star Wars artists and illustrators show you how to draw some of the most beloved characters in the saga. Star Wars illustrator Nicole Falk explains with these easy-to-follow steps how to draw a vampire version of Han Solo just in time for Halloween.

Drawing Cato Parasitti

Drawing        Cato Parasitti

Star Wars illustrator Jessica Hickman explains with these easy-to-follow steps how to draw the new bounty hunter Clawdite changeling Cato Parasitti from the Season 2 of The Clone Wars.
Steps 1-3 are drawn lightly with pencil. No pen, no dark lines. Finished lines and details will come at the end.

Drawing Jedi Younglings

Drawing        Jedi Younglings

Star Wars illustrator Katie Cook explains with these easy-to-follow steps how to draw the cute Jedi younglings -- Nautolan boy Zinn Toa, Gungan girl Roo-Roo Page and Rodian boy Wee Dunn -- from the "Children of the Force" episode in Season 2 of The Clone Wars.

How to Draw Princess Leia

How        to Draw Princess Leia

Star Wars is one of my favorite sci-fi movies and there is good reason why. From the time I was only eight years old, I fell in love with the saga. The whole story line and concept was so mind blowing, creative, and unique.

Drawing Todo 360

Drawing        Todo 360

Star Wars illustrator Jessica Hickman explains with these easy-to-follow steps how to draw Cad Bane's techno-service droid, Todo 360, from Season Two of The Clone Wars.

Drawing Pointillism Princess Leia

Drawing        Pointillism Princess Leia

Star Wars artist Kevin Graham explains with these easy-to-follow steps how to draw Princess Leia using the Pointillism art technique, which is a way of using multiple small dots to create a realistic-looking picture.

Drawing Aurra Sing

Drawing        Aurra Sing

Star Wars illustrator Jessica Hickman explains with these easy-to-follow steps how to draw the bounty hunter Aurra Sing from The Clone Wars animated TV series.

How to Draw Darth Maul from Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace

How        to Draw Darth Maul from Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace

Hello everyone and welcome back to another fun filled drawing lesson here on Today I am going to do a tutorial on a character that my dad said I should do which may or may not be popular with anyone that visits here.

Drawing Aayla Secura from The Clone Wars

Drawing      Aayla Secura from The Clone Wars

Star Wars illustrator Jessica Hickman explains with these easy-to-follow steps how to draw Jedi Aayla Secura from The Clone Wars animated TV series.

Drawing a Customizable Clone Trooper

Drawing        a Customizable Clone Trooper

Star Wars illustrator Grant Gould explains with these easy-to-follow steps how to draw and customize your own clone trooper. Draw lightly Steps 1-4. Finished lines and details will come at the end.

How to Draw Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars The Clone Wars

How        to Draw Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars The Clone Wars

Hello again all and welcome back to another drawing tutorial on Today I will be showing you how to draw Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars: The Clone Wars step by step……

Drawing Anakin Skywalker from The Clone Wars

Drawing        Anakin Skywalker from The Clone Wars

Star Wars illustrator Grant Gould explains with these easy-to-follow steps on how to draw Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Steps 1-4 are to be drawn lightly with a pencil. No pen, no dark lines. Finished lines and details will come at the end.

Drawing Clone Captain Rex from The Clone Wars

Drawing        Clone Captain Rex from The Clone Wars

Star Wars illustrator Grant Gould explains with these easy-to-follow steps on how to draw Captain Rex. Steps 1-5 are to be drawn lightly with a pencil. No pen, no dark lines. Finished lines and details will come at the end.

How To Draw The Head of Darth Maul

How        To Draw The Head of Darth Maul

Hey what's up. This tutorial will show you how to make the head of the one and only first enemy of Obi Wan Kenobi ,as the Padawan of Qui Gon Jinn, and Qui Gon Jinn, the mighty Darth Maul! Well not that mighty though…..

Drawing Ahsoka Tano from The Clone Wars

Drawing        Ahsoka Tano from The Clone Wars

Star Wars illustrator Grant Gould explains with these easy-to-follow steps on how to draw Ahsoka Tano. Steps 1-5 are to be drawn lightly with a pencil. No pen, no dark lines. Finished lines and details will come at the end.

How to Draw a Stormtrooper

How        to Draw a Stormtrooper

It is Sunday and that means most of you have school tomorrow. I want to add some more lessons that will be educational and fun for all you artist out there that want to improve your drawing skills.

Drawing the Tonnika Sisters

Drawing        the Tonnika Sisters

Star Wars illustrator Jessica Hickman explains with these easy-to-follow steps how to draw the Tonnika Twins.

Drawing Kit Fisto

Drawing        Kit Fisto

Star Wars illustrator Noah Albrecht explains with these easy-to-follow steps how to draw Jedi Master Kit Fisto from The Clone Wars animated TV series.

How to Draw Death Star

How to        Draw Death Star

Now that I uploaded Princess Leia, I think I will now submit my second Star Wars character or object from the saga. Just to let you know, I will be uploading a total of three characters and or objects from the movie today, and this is the second installment……

Drawing Darth Talon

Drawing        Darth Talon

Darth Talon is a female Lethan Twi'lek Sith Lord who appears in the Star Wars: Legacy comics. Star Wars illustrator Jessica Hickman explains with these easy-to-follow steps how to draw Darth Talon.

Drawing Bettybot

Drawing        Bettybot

The BD-3000 luxury droid, nicknamed Bettybot, is primarily programmed for business tasks and can translate over 1.5 million forms of communication. The standard BD-3000 can also handle over 25 functions including repulsorlift pilot, cook, tailor and nanny. Star Wars illustrator Jessica Hickman explains with these easy-to-follow steps how to draw the BD-3000 luxury droid from Revenge of the Sith.

How to Draw Jabba the Hutt from Star Wars

How        to Draw Jabba the Hutt from Star Wars

Sci-fi fantasy movies are the best and you can often get a good sense of how they will end while you watch them because they are imaginative and they contain characters that are usually from another world. One of my all time favorite sci-fi movies is that from George Lucas…….

Drawing Senator Riyo Chuchi

Drawing        Senator Riyo Chuchi

Senator Riyo Chuchi, a young senatorial delegate from the moon of Pantora, achieved peace with the native Talz people on the planet Orto Plutonia on The Clone Wars. Star Wars illustrator Jessica Hickman explains with these easy-to-follow steps how to draw Senator Riyo Chuchi.

How to Draw a Jawa

How to Draw a Jawa

Utinni! A jawa is a rodent-like species of natives (alien to us - but native to the likes of Luke Skywalker), that resided on the planet Tatooine in the first Star Wars movie - the same place Luke grew up with his aunt and uncle.They move about in huge sandcrawlers, arm themselves with ion blasters... and earn their living by scavenging and trading….

Drawing Mara Jade

Drawing        Mara Jade

Trained since childhood and honed into a weapon, Mara Jade learned self-sufficiency, piloting, marksmanship and talents in the Force while serving her dark master, Emperor Palpatine. Initially, Mara was to assassinate Luke Skywalker, but over time she fight alongside, fell in love and married Skywalker. Star Wars illustrator Sarah Wilkinson explains with these easy-to-follow steps how to draw Mara Jade.

How to Draw Vader

How to Draw        Vader

Well, after countless requests over the past few weeks I will finally submit a tutorial on "how to draw Vader step by step". Of course this is not going to be a full bodied drawing lesson on Darth Vader, it's more like a head shot.

Drawing Mace Windu

Drawing        Mace Windu

Star Wars illustrator Noah Albrecht explains with these easy-to-follow steps how to draw Jedi Master Mace Windu from The Clone Wars animated TV series.

Drawing a Rabbit Droid

Drawing        a Rabbit Droid

In The Clone Wars animated series, Dr. Vindi's assistant droid carries a dangerous Blue Shadow Virus bomb, but in this tutorial, Star Wars artist Nicole Falk shows how to draw the "rabbit" droid carrying something less destructive -- Easter eggs and candy!

How to Draw Obi Wan Kenobi from Star Wars The Clone Wars

How        to Draw Obi Wan Kenobi from Star Wars The Clone Wars

Hello everyone and how are all you boys and girls doing tonight? As you know, I have been slowly but surely doing more and more drawing tutorials on Star Wars characters…….

Drawing Robonino

Drawing        Robonino

Star Wars illustrator Cynthia Narcisi explains with these easy-to-follow steps on how to draw the bounty hunter Robonino from The Clone Wars animated TV series.

Drawing Biohazard Suit Jar Jar

Drawing        Biohazard Suit Jar Jar

Star Wars illustrator Amy Pronovost explains with these easy-to-follow steps on how to draw Jar Jar in his biohazard suit from The Clone Wars episodes "Blue Shadow Virus" and "Mystery of a Thousand Moons."

Drawing Cad Bane

Drawing        Cad Bane

By Ashar: Star Wars illustrator Grant Gould explains with these easy-to-follow steps how to draw the ruthless bounty hunter Cad Bane from The Clone Wars animated TV series.

How to Draw a Clone Trooper

How        to Draw a Clone Trooper

It is now time that I fill another request for several members of Dragoart. Star Wars is one of the most popular sci-fi movies in existence. I'm not gonna beat around the bush which is why I will just come out and tell you that I will teach you "how to draw a Clone Trooper step by step"……

Drawing Luminara Unduli

Drawing        Luminara Unduli

Star Wars illustrator Katie Cook explains with these easy-to-follow steps on how to draw Jedi Master Luminara Unduli from The Clone Wars animated TV series.

Drawing Wat Tambor

Drawing Wat Tambor

Star Wars illustrator Katie Cook explains with these easy-to-follow steps on how to draw one of Wat Tambor from The Clone Wars animated TV series.

Drawing Yoda Vs. Battle Droids

Drawing Yoda Vs.        Battle Droids

Star Wars illustrator Brent Woodside explains with these easy-to-follow steps on how to draw a battle between Jedi Master Yoda and a gang of battle droids.

How to Draw Yoda

How to        Draw Yoda

In this Star Wars drawing lesson, let's learn how to draw Yoda - supreme Jedi Master, and teacher to many padawans including Count Dooku (Darth Tyranus), Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn. Interesting to know, Yoda is thought to be of the 'Whills' species - beings that George Lucas included while developing Episode IV. Yaddle, a member of the Jedi council, is also thought to be of this species. Still, George Lucas denies this association - and to this day, it's yet to be learned as to what kind of being/creature Yoda truly is.

Drawing the Lurmen

Drawing the Lurmen

Star Wars illustrator Cynthia Cummens-Narcisi explains with these easy-to-follow steps on how to draw one of the Lurmen from The Clone Wars animated TV series. The Lurmen are a species of lemur-like humanoids who strongly believe in peace.

How to Draw Star Wars

How      to Draw Star Wars

This is a scene from the Clone Wars - a long shot of Skywalker leading the clone army into a battle that shook the galaxy.I started with using the paint bucket and orange paint to fill in the background. Then the large airbrush to fill in the horizon and ground with a darker orange. With a transparent pale orange, I used airbrush stokes in the sky for clouds….

Drawing a Holiday Wampa

Drawing a Holiday        Wampa

Star Wars illustrator Nicole Falk explains with these easy-to-follow steps on how to draw a wampa family trimming the tree during the holiday season.

Drawing Chewbacca and His Family

Drawing Chewbacca        and His Family

Star Wars illustrator Cynthia Cummens-Narcisi explains with these easy-to-follow steps how to draw Chewbacca, his wife Malla and his son Lumpy from "The Star Wars Holiday Special." Steps 1-3 are to be drawn lightly with a pencil. Finished lines and details will come at the end.

How to Draw a Lightsaber

How        to Draw a Lightsaber

When learning how to draw a lightsaber, the first thing we need to decide is... which one? Well, seeing how Luke Skywalker made his own lightsaber 'from scratch' between Empire and Jedi - after Vader sliced off his hand... let's draw this one as similarly - we'll be drawing one 'from scratch'. This is the very same lightsaber that he used, to finally bring balance to the force at the end of Return of the Jedi.

Drawing Princess Leia Frankenstein

Drawing Princess        Leia Frankenstein

Star Wars illustrator Nicole Falk explains with these easy-to-follow steps how to draw Princess Leia dressed as the Bride of Frankenstein just in time for Halloween. Steps 1-4 are to be drawn lightly with a pencil. Finished lines and details will come at the end.

Drawing a Millennium Falcon Battle

Drawing a Millennium        Falcon Battle

Star Wars illustrator Brent Woodside explains with these easy-to-follow steps on how to draw a massive battle with the Millennium Falcon!

Drawing the Millennium Falcon

Drawing the        Millennium Falcon

To show you how to draw Han Solo's fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy -- the Millennium Falcon, Star Wars illustrator Chris Trevas explains his easy drawing steps with examples below.

How to Draw Jabba the Hutt

How to Draw Jabba        the Hutt

In Return of the Jedi, Jabba the Hutt held Han Solo captive - frozen in carbonite, in his palace on the planet Tatooine. In one of the most memorable cinematic battles of all time - it was up to Luke, Leia, Lando, Chewbacca, C-3PO and R2-D2 - to free him. Here, let's tackle this slug-like alien from the Star Wars universe, in the form of a simple 'likeness-oriented' drawing lesson!

Drawing Starkiller from The Force Unleashed

Drawing      Starkiller from The Force Unleashed

Star Wars illustrator Grant Gould explains with these easy-to-follow steps on how to draw Starkiller from the LucasArts gameThe Force Unleashed. Steps 1-5 are to be drawn lightly with a pencil. No pen, no dark lines. Finished lines and details will come at the end.

Drawing Asajj Ventress from The Clone Wars

Drawing Asajj        Ventress from The Clone Wars

Star Wars illustrator Cynthia Cummens explains with these easy-to-follow steps on how to draw Asajj Ventress from Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Steps 1-4 are to be drawn lightly with a pencil. No pen, no dark lines. Finished lines and details will come at the end.

How to Draw Chibi Han Solo from Star Wars

How        to Draw Chibi Han Solo from Star Wars

I have yet another tutorial to submit today and yes it will be on another Chibi character. But this time, it is wicked cool. Think of one the all time best Sci-Fi fantasy movies that ever came out. What did you come up with? If your answer was Star Wars you read my mind.

How to draw Darth vader

How to        draw Darth vader

A quick video on how showing you how to make Darth vader....
