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Continue the Campaign by Accepting the Quest Hour of Reckong in Ogirmarr

Alliance Hour of Reckoning
Start Automatic
End Master Mathias Shaw
Level 110-120 (Requires 110)
Category Stormwind City
Experience 1,650
Rewards Rare item level 180 weapons
1 g 94 s
Previous A [110] From the Ashes...
Next A [10-50] The Battle for Lordaeron


Hour of Reckoning
Level: 110-120 (Requires 110)
Start: Automatic
End: Master Mathias Shaw
XP: 1,650
Rare item level 180 weapons
1 g 94 s

For the Horde version of this quest, see H [110-120] Hour of Reckoning .

Hour of Reckoning begins the Alliance perspective of the Battle for Lordaeron, part of the Battle for Azeroth intro experience. Players will be offered this quest after completing the War of the Thorns storyline, ending with A [110] From the Ashes... .


Meet Master Mathias Shaw in Stormwind Harbor.


Champions of the Alliance,

At last the time has come for us to reclaim what is rightfully ours! Our final push to retake Lordaeron Keep shall commence at dawn.

The Horde and their Warchief must answer for their crimes!

King Anduin Wrynn


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv mace 2h draenorcrafted d 01 a alliance.png [Footman's Warmace] Inv axe 1h draenorcrafted d 02 a alliance.png [Footman's Handaxe]
Inv bow 1h draenorcrafted d 01 b alliance.png [Longbow of the Hunt] Inv knife 1h draenorcrafted d 02 b alliance.png [Footman's Boot Knife]
Inv polearm 2h draenorcrafted d 01 b.png [Spear of the Hunt] Inv sword 1h draenorcrafted d 01 a.png [Footman's Gladius]
Inv mace 1h draenorcrafted d 02 b.png [Footman's Warhammer] Inv staff 2h draenorcrafted d 01 b alliance.png [Warmage's Spire]
Inv sword 1h draenorcrafted d 01 a.png [Warmage's Spellblade] Inv axe 1h draenorcrafted d 02 b alliance.png [Footman's Cleaver]

You will also receive:

  • 1 g 94 s
  • 1,650 XP


The Horde will pay for what they've done.


Anduin Wrynn says: Champions of the Alliance, the time has come for us to claim what is rightfully ours! The final push to retake Lordaeron Keep commences at dawn. The Horde and their Warchief must answer for their crimes!


  1. A [110-120] Hour of Reckoning
  2. A [10-50] The Battle for Lordaeron
  3. A [110-120] A Dying World
  4. N [50] The Heart of Azeroth
  5. N [50] Infusing the Heart
  6. A [110-120] The Speaker's Imperative
  7. A [10-50] Tides of War
  8. A [10-50] The Nation of Kul Tiras
  9. A [10-50] Daughter of the Sea
  10. A [10-50] Out Like Flynn
  11. A [10-50] Get Your Bearings
  12. A [10-50] The Old Knight
  13. A [10-50] Sanctum of the Sages & A [10-50] Ferry Pass
  14. A [10-50] A Nation Divided

Patch changes

  • Shadowlands Patch 9.0.1 (2020-10-13): Removed.
  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Added.

External links

Horde Hour of Reckoning
Start Automatic
End High Overlord Saurfang
Level 110-120 (Requires 110)
Category Orgrimmar
Experience 1,650
Rewards Item level 180 weapons (at 110)
1 g 94 s
Previous H [110] Killer Queen
Next H [10-50] The Battle for Lordaeron


Hour of Reckoning
Level: 110-120 (Requires 110)
Start: Automatic
End: High Overlord Saurfang
XP: 1,650
Item level 180 weapons (at 110)
1 g 94 s

For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [110-120] Hour of Reckoning .

Hour of Reckoning begins the Horde perspective of the Battle for Lordaeron, part of the Battle for Azeroth intro experience. Players will be offered this quest when entering Orgrimmar after completing the War of the Thorns storyline, ending with H [110] Killer Queen .


Speak to High Overlord Saurfang inside Grommash Hold.


Champions of the Horde, the time has come.

The Alliance seek to overthrow the Undercity and are laying siege to Lordaeron Keep. You are to report High Overlord Saurfang at once.

Make haste, Brill has already fallen and there is no time to spare.

Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv mace 2h draenorcrafted d 01 a horde.png [Grunt's Warmace] Inv axe 1h draenorcrafted d 02 a alliance.png [Grunt's Handaxe]
Inv bow 1h draenorcrafted d 01 b horde.png [Shadow Hunter's Bow] Inv knife 1h draenorcrafted d 02 b horde.png [Grunt's Boot Knife]
Inv polearm 2h draenorcrafted d 01 b.png [Headhunter's Spear] Inv sword 1h draenorcrafted d 01 a.png [Deathguard's Gladius]
Inv mace 1h draenorcrafted d 02 b.png [War-Caller's Spellhammer] Inv staff 2h draenorcrafted d 01 b alliance.png [Warmage's Spire]
Inv sword 1h draenorcrafted d 01 a.png [Warmage's Spellblade] Inv axe 1h draenorcrafted d 02 b horde.png [Grunt's Cleaver]

You will also receive:

  • 1 g 94 s
  • 1,650 XP


The Alliance moves against the Undercity, seeking retribution for the burning of Teldrassil.

We will not allow them to take what is ours, <class>.


On accept:

Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: Champions, the hour is at hand. The Alliance shall fall upon our blades as they desperately grasp at our prized Lordaeron Keep.
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: Report to High Overlord Saurfang. Teach them the price of their folly. For the Horde!


  1. H [10-50] Battle for Azeroth: Mission Statement
  2. H [10-50] The Stormwind Extraction
  3. H [10-50] Welcome to Zuldazar
  4. H [10-50] Rastakhan
  5. H [10-50] Speaker of the Horde

Patch changes

  • Shadowlands Patch 9.0.1 (2020-10-13): Removed.
  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Added.

External links
